Descriere - Poptropica. English Islands Level 2. Teachers Book with Online World Access Code. Test Book pack
Teachers Book:
- An introduction highlighting the main features of the course. A tour of a unit. Advice on how to use Active Teach and Island Adventure Game in class.
- a summary map for each unit highlighting the linguistic content – this lists the cross curricular, cultural and phonological elements, and summarizes the integration of key competences
- step-by-step lesson plans covering all of the course material, including activities for Assessment for Learning, as well as the answer key and audioscript alongside the teaching notes
- a Games bank and Extension activities
- teaching notes and answers for the Photocopiables
- access to Island Adventure Game
Test Booklet for Level 2:
This Test Booklet contains one Placement test, eight Unit tests, three End of term tests, one Final test, and one Exam preparation test.
- The Placement test can be used as a diagnostic test at the start of the year, reviewing learning from the previous year and helping to assess pupils' ability
- The Unit tests can be used at the end of each unit, to monitor pupils' progress through the course, to give pupils feedback on thei achivement and to identify areas requiring reinforcement
- The End of term and Final tests can be used as informative and evaluative tests, for reporting purposes
- The Exam preparation test can be used to help prepare pupils for external exams such as CYLETS and Trinity
Pearson English Portal:
Poptropica English World is a new digital platform available on Pearson English Portal.
A unique online world where teachers can access a Digital Presentation Tool, wider range of teaching resources and assign and mark homework; students review what they learn in a fun, online environment with familiar course character.
One of the key benefits of the Portal is having everything in one place. While planning for a school semester or next lesson, for example, you can use the resources area to access, review and download all the teaching materials such as the ‘digital lesson’ that is ready to teach provided along with a course.
- an online area that can be used for:
assigning and tracking homework
monitoring students’ performance
- includes extra resources to use in class, i.e.:
- flashcards and pedagogical information
- allows teachers direct access to the Poptropica English Island adventure game
- includes help videos to guide teachers through common questions
- teacher presentation tool for the interactive white board with all core content organized into lessons
- an offline area that allows teachers to prepare and plan lessons using the Digital Presentation Tool
Nr pagini: 250+85
Format: 23x28
An aparitie: 2018
Autor: Malpas, Susannah
Editura: Pearson Education Limited
ISBN: 9781292249049
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