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Manuale scolare - Clasa a 8-a - Limba Engleza

Manual Limba Moderna 1 Engleza – clasa a VIII-a
Manualul propune un parcurs bine structurat, coerent si progresiv. Tematica acopera, conform programei scolare, situatii de comunicare de baza: cultura tinerilor, monumente celebre, personalitati din lumea stiintei/ a artei, aspecte de istorie/ geografie, comportamentul eco. Succesiunea tematica permite introducerea graduala a actelor de vorbire: a prezenta /a redacta texte simple la timpul trecut; a exprima conditii, a redacta o scrisoare personala scurta; a exprima opinii favorabile/defavor...


Manual de Limba Engleza, limba moderna 1, pentru clasa a VIII-a (Cambridge)
Manualul Limba moderna 1 – Limba engleza – clasa a VIII-a, CASTIGATOR al Licitatiei din 2020. Manualul scolar a fost aprobat de Ministerul Educatiei Nationale prin ordinul de ministru nr. 4939/10.08.2020.Manualul scolar a fost aprobat de Ministerul Educatiei Nationale prin ordinul de ministru nr. 4939/10.08.2020.This textbook uses cutting-edge language and pedagogy research, it follows the Romanian Curriculum step by step and: creates an inclusive learning environment through learnin...
Limba moderna 1, studiu intensiv. Manual de limba engleza pentru clasa a VIII-a
This material is in accordance with the 2017 Romanian Curriculum for the subject Modem Language 1. Grades 5 —8 approved by ministerial decree No. 3393/2017[Programa scolara pentru disciplina Limba moderna 1. Clasele a V-a - a VIII-a aprobata prin ordin al ministrului Nr. 3393/2017] Cambridge uses cutting-edge language and pedagogy research to create innovative materials that teachers and students will love. Discovery Education videos inspire students and enhance their language learning. ...
Curs de Limba engleza, Limba moderna 1 - Auxiliar pentru clasa a VIII-a. English practice - Activity book L1 (8 Motivate!)
Caietul de activitati pentru elevii din clasa a VIII-a este elaborat pe unitati tematice ancorate in realitatea copilului. Prezentat intr-o forma deosebit de atractiva, auxiliarul ofera exemple de activitati pe care copiii le pot urmari cu usurinta. Caietele au la baza structura noii programe si se pot folosi impreuna cu manualul Editurii Litera. Nr. de pagini : 112Anul aparitiei : 2017Autori : Olivia Johnston, Ana-Magdalena Iordachescu, Mariana Stoenescu


Prime Time 4, Workbook and Grammar book, pentru clasa a VIII-a
Prime Time is a series of five courses for young adults or adult learners of English at Elementary to Upper-Intermediate level. The series combines active English learning with a variety of lively topics presented in themed modules.Key Features-an integrated approach to the development of all four language skills-stimulating, realistic dialogues featuring people in everyday situations-vocabulary presentation and practice-variety of reading and listening tasks-clear presentation and practice of g...
Snapshot Intermediate Class CD 1-2-3
Contains all the recorded material from the Students Book: Dialogues Soundbite speechwork Exercises Scripted and authentic listening passages Photostories SongsYear : 2000


Way Ahead 6 Pupils Book. Manual de limba engleza pentru clasa a VIII-a (fara CD)
Way Ahead is an imaginative,six-level course for primary school children who are learning English as a first foreign Language.The course is reading based,with a strong communicative flavour.The structures and functions of English are taught through a variety of inviting,child-centred activities,which have been carefully graded and are suitable for classes in a variety of cultural backgrounds.At the lower levels, the book introduce a cast of interesting characters who contextualise the language a...


Curs pentru limba engleza (Level B1+). SPARK 4. Caiet pentru clasa a VIII-a (Workbook)
Spark 4 is an English course designed exclusively for students studying English at Intermediate Level. The course follows the principles of the Council of Europe Common Framework of Reference Level B1+.Anul publicarii: 2011Format: 21x30Nr. pagini: 156
Curs de limba engleza Click On 4. Manualul elevului pentru clasa a VIII-a
Curs general pentru invatarea limbii engleze, nivel gimnazial, clasa a VIII-a, este structurat in 5 module, fiecare incluzand 2 unitati de invatare. Fiecare modul dezvolta o anumita tema,intr-un mod atractiv prin intermediul ilustratiei, a tematicii si a modului de abordare a acesteiaManualul dezvolta cele patru abilitati: vorbire, citire, scriere, ascultare, prin intermediul unor activitati interactive, redarea unor dialoguri si situatii din viata reala, descrieri, jocuri de rol, texte din surs...
Shine Level 3 Teachers Book. Manualul profesorului de limba engleza pentru clasa a VIII-a
Shine is an exciting three-level course for teenagers which features a clear and systematic approach to grammar set within a topic-based framework. The fresh photographic look and motivating topic-based units which focus on teenage students' interests will strongly appeal to this age group. In each unit, language is introduced through a dialogue involving the characters from the photos, which is then followed by a series of comprehension and practice activities to consolidate the language....


Snapshot. Manual Clasa a VIII-a L2 - Snapshot Intermediate
The Students' Book consists of twenty units divided into four sections. Each section includes:Unit Pages: Present and practise new languagePhotostory: Recycles language in a communicative contextFast rewind: Controlled revision/progress checkThe Big Picture: Fluency practice through discussion, roleplay and project workThe Students' Book also contains:The Student B Interaction exercisesSoundbite tapescriptsPhrasal verb exercisesSongsStudy skills adviceAn extensive grammar reference sectionA unit...


Snapshot. Caiet de exercitii L2 clasa a VIII-a - Intermediate
The Language Booster is a flexible resource which offers self-access material for students in a wide range of teaching situations. It is not necessary for students to work through all the material, although they can do so if they wishIt provides substantial remedial work for slower learners, whilst challenging the more ableThe Language Booster is divided into two parts:WORKBOOKGives practice in Grammar, Vocabulary, Communication, Reading and WritingHas exercises at two levels: Stay Cool (easy) a...