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Carti in categoria Altele

Puscas, Vasile
Tip afisare:
The Ribbentrop-Ciano Diktat, Transylvania and the Romanian-Hungarian Relations (1940-1944)
Translated from the Romanian by Doina-Elisabeta Mihalcea Editorial project published under the aegis of ”George Baritiu” Institute of History, The Romanian Academy and Transylvania Leaders Foundation. Cover design: Ciprian Butnaru First Cover Artwork: Foreign Affairs Ministers of Germany and Italy, Galeazzo Ciano and Joachim von Ribbentrop, at Belvedere Palace in Vienna The Contemporary History collection is coordinated by Prof. Vasile Puscas, PhD. However, since 1943, the Chancel...
PRP: 100,00 Lei  75,00 LeiAdauga in cos