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Carti in categoria Babies and toddlers books

Goose on the loose
A series of fun stories using very simple synthetic phonic-based text. Synthetic phonic learning is the process of reading by sounding the individual sounds of a word and then blending them together to read the word as a whole. With fold out flaps to make the reading experience more interactive. Written in conjunction with an educational psychology expert. Age 3 Key Stage KS1 E Book Band Orange Accelerated Reader level 0.5 LYPaperback ISBN: 9780746077207 Extent: 16 pages fold out flaps Dimensi...


35,94 LeiAdauga in cos
Big pig on a dig
A series of fun stories using very simple synthetic phonic-based text. Synthetic phonic learning is the process of reading by sounding the individual sounds of a word and then blending them together to read the word as a whole. With fold out flaps to make the reading experience more interactive. Written in conjunction with an educational psychology expert. Age 3 Key Stage KS1 E Book Band Green Accelerated Reader level 0.5 LYPaperback ISBN: 9780746077184 Extent: 16 pages fold out flaps Dimensio...


35,94 LeiAdauga in cos
Toad makes a road
A series of fun stories using very simple synthetic phonic-based text. Synthetic phonic learning is the process of reading by sounding the individual sounds of a word and then blending them together to read the word as a whole. With fold out flaps to make the reading experience more interactive. Written in conjunction with an educational psychology expert. Age 3 Key Stage EYFS/KS1 E Book Band Green Accelerated Reader level 0.5 LYPaperback ISBN: 9780746077283 Extent: 16 pages fold out flaps Dim...


35,94 LeiAdauga in cos
Mouse moves house
A series of fun stories using very simple synthetic phonic-based text. Synthetic phonic learning is the process of reading by sounding the individual sounds of a word and then blending them together to read the word as a whole. With fold out flaps to make the reading experience more interactive. Written in conjunction with an educational psychology expert. Age 3 Key Stage EYFS/KS1 E Book Band Green Accelerated Reader level 0.5 LYPaperback ISBN: 9780746077252 Extent: 16 pages foldout flaps Dime...


35,94 LeiAdauga in cos
Hens pens
A series of fun stories using very simple synthetic phonic-based text. Synthetic phonic learning is the process of reading by sounding the individual sounds of a word and then blending them together to read the word as a whole. With fold out flaps to make the reading experience more interactive. Written in conjunction with an educational psychology expert. Age 3 Key Stage KS1 E Book Band Green Accelerated Reader level 0.5 LYPaperback ISBN: 9780746077214 Extent: 16 pages fold out flaps Dimensio...


35,94 LeiAdauga in cos
Sam sheep cant sleep
A series of fun stories using very simple synthetic phonic-based text. Synthetic phonic learning is the process of reading by sounding the individual sounds of a word and then blending them together to read the word as a whole. With fold out flaps to make the reading experience more interactive. Written in conjunction with an educational psychology expert. Age 3 Key Stage EYFS/KS1 E Book Band Green Accelerated Reader level 0.5 LYPaperback ISBN: 9780746077269 Extent: 16 pages fold out flaps Dim...


35,94 LeiAdauga in cos