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Carti in categoria English language

Literatura adaptata pentru copii. Peter Pan. Manualu profesorului (Cross-platform Application si Multi-Rom)
Wendy Darling lives with her parents and two younger brothers in London. One night she has an unexpected visitor, Peter Pan the boy who refuses to grow up, along with his Fairy Tinkerbell. Peter Pan takes the kids to the magical world of Neverland where they meet The Lost Boys and face Captain Cook, a terrible pirate who's after Peter Pan. Who will be the winner? The Express Publishing Showtime Readers is a brand new series of books at four levels, which introduce students to classic children&a...
PRP: 65,00 Lei  61,75 LeiAdauga in cos
Literatura adaptata pentru copii. The Town Mouse and The Country Mouse Story Book with Multi Rom
The smart Town Mouse comes to visit the poor shabby Country Mouse. Will he like what he finds in the country?
PRP: 47,00 Lei  44,65 LeiAdauga in cos
The Fisherman and the Fish Book with Audio CDs and DVD Video
A kind old fisherman lives with his wife in a small house. The fisherman works hard, but he is very poor. One day he catches a small golden fish. When the fisherman lets the fish go, his wife is very angry. She wants the golden fish to make her rich. Will the golden fish grant her wish?
PRP: 47,00 Lei  44,65 LeiAdauga in cos
Literatura adaptata pentru copii. Peter Pan. Manualu profesorului (Cross-platform Application)
Wendy Darling lives with her parents and two younger brothers in London. One night she has an unexpected visitor, Peter Pan the boy who refuses to grow up, along with his Fairy Tinkerbell. Peter Pan takes the kids to the magical world of Neverland where they meet The Lost Boys and face Captain Cook, a terrible pirate who's after Peter Pan. Who will be the winner? The Express Publishing Showtime Readers is a brand new series of books at four levels, which introduce students to classic children&a...
PRP: 35,00 Lei  33,25 LeiAdauga in cos
Robin Hood DVD
Robin Hood and his merry men steal from the rich to give to the poor while the evil Prince John rules England and his brother, King Richard, is out of the country. Can Robin and his friends beat the Prince and save the crown for Richard?
PRP: 28,00 Lei  26,60 LeiAdauga in cos