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Carti in categoria Nature and outdoors

Discovery: Sharks
Sharks of all shapes and sizes are revealed in this visually exciting, fact-filled book. Dramatic underwater photography shows sharks hunting, feeding and attacking, how they sense other fish and what drives them into feeding frenzies. With internet links to recommended websites with video clips, quizzes, games and information. Age 7 Key Stage KS2 BIC CBMC C4N79 Accelerated Reader level 6.5 MYHardback ISBN: 9780746096413Author/Editor Jonathan Shiekh-Miller...


47,94 LeiAdauga in cos
Discovery: Sharks
Sharks of all shapes and sizes are revealed in this visually exciting, fact-filled book. Dramatic underwater photography shows sharks hunting, feeding and attacking, how they sense other fish and what drives them into feeding frenzies. With internet links to recommended websites with video clips, quizzes, games and information. Age 7 Key Stage KS2 BIC CBMC C4N79 Accelerated Reader level 6.5 MYHardback ISBN: 9780746096413Author/Editor Jonathan Shiekh-Miller...


47,94 LeiAdauga in cos