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Carti in categoria Science books

History of science in 100 pictures
Discover how scientists changed the world, from inventing life-saving medicines and probing the secrets of the smallest particles to sending people to the Moon – and how ground-breaking scientific theories changed our world again and again. With illustrations, photographs and links to specially selected websites for more information. Age 7 Key Stage KS2 H/S BIC CBMC C5L79 Hardback ISBN: 9781474948227 Extent: 32 pages Dimensions: 276 x 216mmAuthor/Editor Abigail WheatleyIllustrator Ian McNe...


59,94 LeiAdauga in cos
History of science in 100 pictures
Discover how scientists changed the world, from inventing life-saving medicines and probing the secrets of the smallest particles to sending people to the Moon – and how ground-breaking scientific theories changed our world again and again. With illustrations, photographs and links to specially selected websites for more information. Age 7 Key Stage KS2 H/S BIC CBMC C5L79 Hardback ISBN: 9781474948227 Extent: 32 pages Dimensions: 276 x 216mmAuthor/Editor Abigail WheatleyIllustrator Ian McNe...


59,94 LeiAdauga in cos