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Carti in categoria Literature & Biography

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Dominoes 2. Vampire Original Pack
Hes great, Vera, said Angie. When Viktor Sarav takes a job at Ballantines, Angie and her brother Don - the young owners of the New York fashion company - are pleased. But soon there are strange deaths in the company. Is there a vampire at work at Ballantines? Vera Donato, a company director with secrets to hide, is against Viktor. But Ed Valdemar, the company lawyer, trusts him. Who is right?
PRP: 57,00 Lei  55,29 LeiAdauga in cos
Dominoes One. The Real McCoy and Other Ghost Stories Pack
Ideal for elementary learners of English looking to improve and practise their English. The book is filled with useful vocabulary that is carefully graded and easy to understand, it also comes with audio, so that you can listen to the story at the same time as reading.Are you scared, Gordon? asks Heather.Four friends talk of ghosts in a hotel in Scotland. That night Gordon sees and hears something strange in his room. But is it really the ghost of Lord McCoy?These six stories tell of ghosts - fr...
PRP: 57,00 Lei  55,29 LeiAdauga in cos