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Carti in categoria Literature & Biography

Dahl, Roald
Tip afisare:
Over to You. Ten Stories of Flyers and Flying
During the Second World War Roald Dahl served in the RAF and suffered horrific injuries in an air crash in the Libyan desert. Drawing on his own experience as a fighter pilot, Dahl crafted these ten spine-tingling stories: of air battles in the sky; of the nightmare of being shot down; of the infectious madness of conflict; and of the nervy jollity of the Mess and Ops room. Dahl brilliantly conveys the bizarre reality of a wartime pilots daily existence, where death is a constant companion and l...
PRP: 59,00 Lei  56,05 LeiAdauga in cos
Someone Like You
In addition to his celebrated childrens books such as James and the Giant Peach and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Roald Dahl wrote short fiction for adult audiences, and the tales collected in Someone Like You are dark, witty morsels of intrigue and suspense from a master storyteller. This Penguin Modern Classics edition is published with a foreword by Dom Joly.These eighteen tales of the macabre show Dahls dark brilliance as a short story writer. They are wicked (as an old man attracts the...
PRP: 85,00 Lei  80,75 LeiAdauga in cos