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Carti in categoria Literature & Biography

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Wives and Daughters. (Paperback)
The Penguin English Library Edition of Wives and Daughters by Elizabeth GaskellEh, miss, but that be a rare young lady! She do have such pretty coaxing ways ...Seventeen-year-old Molly Gibson worships her widowed father. But when he decides to remarry, Mollys life is thrown off course by the arrival of her vain, shallow and selfish stepmother. There is some solace in the shape of her new stepsister Cynthia, who is beautiful, sophisticated and irresistible to every man she meets. Soon the girls b...
PRP: 34,00 Lei  32,30 LeiAdauga in cos
The Old Nurses Story
Even in the stillness of that dead-cold weather, I had heard no sound of little battering hands upon the window-glass...A phantom child roams the Northumberland moors, while a host of fairytale characters gone to seed gather in the dark, dark woods in these two surprising tales of the uncanny from the great Victorian novelist.Introducing Little Black Classics: 80 books for Penguins 80th birthday. Little Black Classics celebrate the huge range and diversity of Penguin Classics, with books from ar...
PRP: 6,00 Lei  5,70 LeiAdauga in cos