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Carti in categoria Povestiri

Austen, Jane
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Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen (Websters Word Power English Readers With Audiobook, Notes and Glossary)
This Reader will be published in mid-April. This edition of Pride and Prejudice contains a retold novel, an introduction, notes on the Jane Austen notes on the Regency period, the book's themes, a simple glossary, and a free CD (running time 2 hours). The book on the CD is read slowly andclearly to aid comprehension. Jane Austen's classic novel is an ironic comedy of manners that prevailed in the society of the late 18th century, and early 19th century. Pride and Prejudice tells the story of Eli...
PRP: 34,00 Lei  23,80 LeiAdauga in cos
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Mandrie si prejudecata
Copii adora povestile, iar cele clasice au fost intotdeauna printre favoritele lor. Totusi, uneori, o carte groasa pare destul de descurajanta, nu-i asa? Seria de 50 de titluri din colectia Clasici Internationali ii ajuta pe copii sa inteleaga mai bine actiunea si limbajul folosit, prin textul prescurtat, activitati si exercitii gandite special pentru ei. Cu fiecare dintre aceste carti, copiii au ocazia nu numai sa citeasca povesti interesante, ci si sa afle mai multe despre autorii lorAnul apar...


PRP: 12,90 Lei  10,32 LeiAdauga in cos
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