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Carti in categoria General

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Drept penal. Partea generala - Editia a III-a, actualizata cu modificarile la zi ale Codului penal (Viorel Pasca)
Intrarea in vigoare a noului Cod penal si dispozitiile tranzitorii privind punerea sa in aplicare au pus in mod acut in fata practicienilor dreptului penal o multitudine de probleme ce se cer a fi clarificate prin interpretarea unitara a noilor prevederi legale.Institutii fundamentale ale dreptului penal precum aplicarea legii penale in timp si spatiu, infractiunea si formele ei, cauzele justificative si cele care inlatura imputabilitatea, formele unitatii si pluralitatii de infractiuni, plurali...
PRP: 76,00 Lei  64,60 LeiAdauga in cos
Drept penal. Partea generala - Conform noului Cod penal
"Cursul de Drept penal. Partea generala" , adresat studentilor anului II ai facultatilor de drept si nu numai, trateaza in cel de-al doilea volum, intr-o maniera care se vrea, cel puti n din partea autorului, o deschidere spre ideile ce se vehiculeaza in doctrina contemporana europeana privind problemele raspunderii penale, rolul si functiile sanctiunilor penale. "Cursul de drept penal. Partea generala" trateaza conditiile in care este antrenata raspunderea penala si c...
PRP: 62,00 Lei  52,70 LeiAdauga in cos
Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law Issue 1/2014
Journal of Eastern-European Criminal Lawcould stand out as a unique publication, at least in this part of the world, as an outcome of the partnership between specialists in criminal law and criminal procedure law from the law faculties of the West University in Timisoara and the University in Pecs, who aimed at presenting, in a different language from their own, the serious amendments of criminal legislation that occurred in their countries in the post-communist era, an essential requirement for...
PRP: 27,00 Lei  22,95 LeiAdauga in cos
Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law Issue 2/2014
Journal of Eastern-European Criminal Law could stand out as a unique publication, at least in this part of the world, as an outcome of the partnership between specialists in criminal law and criminal procedure law from the law faculties of the West University in Timisoara and the University in Pecs, who aimed at presenting, in a different language from their own, the serious amendments of criminal legislation that occurred in their countries in the post-communist era, an essential requirement fo...
PRP: 27,00 Lei  22,95 LeiAdauga in cos
Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law Issue 2/2015
With its fourth issue, the Journal of Eastern-European Criminal Law has already become widely spread, a fact which is proven by the rising number of contributors and the diversity of the countries to which they belong.We have intended that the Journal, edited semesterly, to be open to all researchers in the academic area from the Central and Eastern-European countries, to professors and PhD students, as well as to judges, prosecutors and other professions concerned about the evolution of crimina...
PRP: 27,00 Lei  22,95 LeiAdauga in cos
Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law Issue 2/2016
With its fourth issue, the Journal of Eastern-European Criminal Law has already become widely spread, a fact which is proven by the rising number of contributors and the diversity of the countries to which they belong.We have intended that the Journal, edited semesterly, to be open to all researchers in the academic area from the Central and Eastern-European countries, to professors and PhD students, as well as to judges, prosecutors and other professions concerned about the evolution of crimina...
PRP: 27,00 Lei  22,95 LeiAdauga in cos
Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law Issue 1/2017
With its fourth issue, the Journal of Eastern-European Criminal Law has already become widely spread, a fact which is proven by the rising number of contributors and the diversity of the countries to which they belong.We have intended that the Journal, edited semesterly, to be open to all researchers in the academic area from the Central and Eastern-European countries, to professors and PhD students, as well as to judges, prosecutors and other professions concerned about the evolution of crimina...
PRP: 27,00 Lei  22,95 LeiAdauga in cos
Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law Issue 2/2017
Journal of Eastern-¬European Criminal Law could stand out as a unique publication, at least in this part of the world, as an outcome of the partnership between specialists in criminal law and criminal procedure law from the law faculties of the West University in Timisoara and the University in Pecs, who aimed at presenting, in a different language from their own, the serious amendments of criminal legislation that occurred in their countries in the post‐communist era, an essential require...
PRP: 27,00 Lei  22,95 LeiAdauga in cos
Curs de drept penal. Partea generala - Vol. II (Viorel Pasca)
"Cursul de Drept penal. Partea generala" , adresat studentilor anului II ai facultatilor de drept si nu numai, trateaza in cel de-al doilea volum, intr-o maniera care se vrea, cel puti n din partea autorului, o deschidere spre ideile ce se vehiculeaza in doctrina contemporana europeana privind problemele raspunderii penale, rolul si functiile sanctiunilor penale. "Cursul de drept penal. Partea generala - Vol. II" trateaza conditiile in care este antrenata raspunderea penal...
PRP: 23,00 Lei  19,55 LeiAdauga in cos