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Carti in categoria Diverse

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Learn English with polly. My First English Workbook
„Learn English with Polly. My First English Workbook“ corespunde nivelului A1 de invatare a limbii engleze si este adresata micilor scolari, profesorilor si tuturor celor care doresc sa invete limba engleza. Copiii vor descoperi cuvinte, structuri, propozitii integrate in contexte specifice de comunicare, in situatii care sa le starneasca interesul si curiozitatea. Ilustratiile viu colorate atrag prin vivacitate si exemplifica intr-un mod placut conceptele invatate, sprijinind inte...


PRP: 20,00 Lei  15,80 LeiAdauga in cos
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Academy Stars Level 4 Workbook With Digital Workbook
Academy Stars is a lively and interactive primary course that combines a comprehensive skills syllabus with the innovative Graphic Grammar approach to support young learners as they aspire to excellence. The Workbook provides lesson-by-lesson written practice of structural forms, core vocabulary, and reading and writing skills to reinforce the Pupil’s Book content. Engaging, contextualised activities make language practice meaningful and purposeful, and specifically designed writing pract...


PRP: 40,00 Lei  38,00 LeiAdauga in cos
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English Made Easy. A workbook for 2nd grade students
Copiii au nevoie de o motivatie puternica in etapele incipiente de studiu al limbii engleze, iar invatarea prin activitati placute, amuzante si, in acelasi timp, provocatoare le stimuleaza pe de o parte curiozitatea, iar pe de alta parte procesele cognitive. Modern si accesibil, distractiv si practic, original si stimulativ, English Made Easy este un auxiliar didactic care porneste de la aceasta idee si faciliteaza imbogatirea si perfectionarea cunostintelor de limba engleza printr-o gama varia...
PRP: 44,00 Lei  26,40 LeiAdauga in cos
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Povesti de la ferma - Farm Stories. Engleza prin imagini (editie bilingva)
Simon isi sarbatoreste ziua de nastere cu multi prieteni la ferma: se plimba cu tractorul, se joaca in fan, mangaie animalele si la sfarsit participa la un foc mare de tabara. Florin si Florina, pe de alta parte, isi cauta pisicuta in toata ferma si o gasesc intr-un loc neobisnuit. Aceasta carte este incantatoare pentru cei mici si ii ajuta sa invete engleza cu ajutorul imaginilor. Contine imagini care inlocuiesc cuvinte-cheie si propozitii scurte in romana si engleza. Titlul Povesti de la f...
PRP: 34,00 Lei  22,10 LeiAdauga in cos
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Gramatica limbii engleze usoara si compacta
Stiti ce?! Gramatica limbii engleze poate fi chiar amuzanta. Volumul de fata prezinta cele mai importante aspecte gramaticale ale limbii engleze, dublate de imagini care ilustreaza cu ingeniozitate si umor temele centrale. Scopul acestui auxiliar nu este sa fie un instrument pur teoretic, ci mai degraba sa ofere o sinteza deopotriva necesara si accesibila. La finalul fiecarui capitol, veti putea sa va exersati cunostintele dobandite. Rezolvarile se gasesc la sfarsitul cartii. Nu va aglomerati...
PRP: 23,90 Lei  21,03 LeiAdauga in cos
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Macmillan Readers. Far from the Madding Crowd Pack
Carefully controlled information, structure and vocabulary Glossary at the back of the book explains some of the difficult words and phrases The book has around 1400 basic words for Pre-intermediate-level students Points for Understanding section and Exercises contained within the back of the book Includes an Audio CD


PRP: 37,00 Lei  35,15 LeiAdauga in cos
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Graded Reader. Shakespeare Tragedies with MP3 CD Level B1.2 (British English)
Global ELT brings Shakespeare’s most powerful and influential tragedies to its line of Global Compass Graded Readers. English language learners of all ages will enjoy developing their vocabulary and reading fluency as they read the stories of the moor Othello, the ambitious Macbeth, the aging King Lear, the philosophical Hamlet and the Roman Emperor Julius Caesar. Students and teachers alike will be entranced with this collection of some of the most celebrated plays in the history of the E...


PRP: 30,00 Lei  28,50 LeiAdauga in cos
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Get Smart Plus 4 Workbook + CD-ROM
Anul publicarii: 2018 Pagini: 112 Format: 21x28 cm
PRP: 30,00 Lei  25,50 LeiAdauga in cos
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New Practical English for, Finance, Accounting and Insurance
New Practical English for Finance, Accounting and Insurance este un curs nou, cu o tematica diversa si actuala, acoperind o gama larga de subiecte, de la teme financiare si contabile la teme economice de interes mai larg.Anul aparitiei: 2015Numar pagini: 227Format: 16x23


PRP: 35,00 Lei  30,80 LeiAdauga in cos
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A study on English idioms
Among the impressively large number of books surrounding us, this volume aims to provide a theoretical basis (definitions, classifications, features), accompanied by a practical one (exercises and answers), for understanding and learning Engilsh language isioms. It is, therefore, a linguistic approach to a dynamic lexical subdomain, subject to changes caused by varoius factors.Autor: Alina Galbeaza (Buzarna-Tihenea), Lavinia NadragAnul aparitiei: 2018Format: 17X24cmNr. pagini: 260...
PRP: 40,00 Lei  28,00 LeiAdauga in cos
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Students Passport to performance in english
Lucrarea de fata se adreseaza elevilor care doresc sa-si verifice abilitatile de limba engleza si in acelasi timp sa-si aprofundeze constientele la aceasta materie. Poate fi folosita ca material pregatitor pentru olimpiade, concursuri, examenul de bacalaureat, examenele Cambrige ( nivelele Advanced si Proficiency, probele de gramatica si compunere) sau pur si simplu ca teme pentru acasa.,, Pasaportul” ofera acces catre o gama variata de exercitii de gramatica si catre o serie de exemple co...


PRP: 15,00 Lei  12,30 LeiAdauga in cos
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Ne vedem la seminar (Silvia Osman)
Desi aparent imposibil, copertile volumului de fata aduna la un loc aproape un secol de literatura, in informatie esentiala, concisa. A fost o adevarata provocare acoperirea in timp a unei perioade atat de lungi, framantata de idei inovatoare si de prapastii, de suisuri si coborasuri, de stigmatul a doua razboaie nemiloase, a caror amprenta a marcat etern intreaga umanitate, lasand in urma un taram al pustietatii. O mana de oameni puternici, talentati si sensibili au pus pe hartie – fiecar...
PRP: 23,00 Lei  16,10 LeiAdauga in cos
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Excel in business
Lucrarea "Excel in business" a fost elaborata in cadrul Catedreai de Limbi Germanice si Comunicare de Afaceri a Academiei de Studii Economice din Bucuresti. Se adreseaza, in special, studentilor din anul II al Facultatii de Comert, cursuri de zi si invatamant deschis la distanta, cu un nivel mediu si avansat de cunoastere a limbii engleze, care se pregatesc in domeniul comertului si care vor fi obligati sa foloseasca acest limbaj in diverse activitati carateristice profesiei lor. Ea poate fi fol...
PRP: 19,27 Lei  13,49 LeiAdauga in cos
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Noile tipuri de contracte in relatiile economice internationale in Romana si Engleza
Lucrarea Noile tipuri de contracte in relatiile economice internationale in Romana si Engleza, se inscrie in traditia Editurii Niculescu de a actualiza permanent tematicile din diferite domenii de activitate prezentate in decursul timpului. Este vorba de noile tipuri de contracte privind comercializarea marfurilor si serviciilor, redactate in limbile romana si engleza. Acest nou volum continua seria cartilor bilingve lansate de Editura Niculescu, avand atat un scop didactic, pentru uzul studenti...
PRP: 18,53 Lei  12,97 LeiAdauga in cos
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Engleza pentru juristi
Prezentare: "Engleza pentru juristi" se adreseaza: - studentilor de la facultatile de drept ale caror cursuri includ si studiul limbii engleze- avocatilor a caror munca necesita intelegerea si utilizarea terminologiei juridice in limba - engleza, precum si cunoasterea dreptului international si a celui englez"Engleza pentru juristi" cuprinde referiri la conceptele juridice, sistemele legislative si Constitutia Marii Britanii si a Statelor Unite ale Americii, notiuni de drept european si interna...


PRP: 28,90 Lei  14,45 LeiAdauga in cos
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Grammar for  Accurate Communication. English Tenses. Course Support
Aceasta carte este un suport de curs destinat studentilor.Poate fi folosita si la gimnaziu sau liceu, dar si de persoanele care doresc sa-si perfectioneze limba engleza.Aceasta carte ii poate ajuta pe cei care doresc sa foloseasca timpurile in limba engleza, cu acuratete si sa inteleaga pe deplin ceea ce spune vorbitorul.
PRP: 39,00 Lei  31,20 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
Arthur Young and the Corgi Mystery. Reader and Delta Augmented
It is early Friday morning and Detective Inspector Young and his team have been called to Buckingham Palace. A truly awful crime has taken place: Skiddi, the Queen's favourite corgi, has disappeared! The team are hoping to solve the case quickly, but things turn out to be… very puzzling and certainly far more complicated than expected. Will they find all the clues, follow the right leads and catch the culprit? Will they be in time to save Skiddi? The clock is ticking…
30,00 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
A Viral Disturbance. Reader and Delta Augmented
Oscar has made it. When he arrived in the Unites States thirty years ago he spoke very little English and the only work he could get was washing dishes. He washed a lot of dishes and, over the years, worked his way up the ladder. Now he runs his own very popular Mexican restaurant, he is married, has two daughters, and owns a house. In short, he has achieved the American dream. Everything is perfect, until the pandemic breaks out. Oscar, his family, and everyone he knows has to work out how to s...
30,00 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
Titanic. Reader and Delta Augmented
The tragic sinking of the Titanic still fascinates people today. As she set off on her maiden voyage, the Titanic was thought to be unsinkable. However, just a few days later, in the early morning of 15th April 1912, disaster struck and a huge number of people lost their lives. This book is based on authentic eye witness reports of how the tragedy unfolded. This reader includes: explanations of new vocabulary directly at the bottom of each page activities to check understanding and develop yo...
30,00 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare
From Slavery to Freedom. Reader and Delta Augmented
Set in the cotton plantations of the South, From Slavery to Freedom shows us how people lived in the deeply divided nineteenth century USA. We meet the people who lead the way to the end of slavery and introduced equal rights for all people. This reader includes: explanations of new vocabulary directly at the bottom of each page activities to check understanding and develop your language skills Think about it: opportunities to reflect on what you have read Find out more: questions and task...
30,00 Lei Afla cand va reveni in stoc
in curs de reaprovizionare