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Carti in categoria Diverse

Using Phrasal Verbs for Natural English. Book with Delta Augmented
Every learner of English wants to develop fluent, natural English - understanding and using phrasal verbs is an essential part of this development. Using Phrasal Verbs not only helps learners to understand phrasal verbs, but also helps them learn when and how to use phrasal verbs successfully, to produce more natural-sounding English. Using Phrasal Verbs teaches students over 400 commonly used phrasal verbs builds students' confidence in using phrasal verbs appropriately through extensive and...
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Using Collocations for Natural English. Book with Delta Augmented
DELTA Natural English is a series of language practice books for students who aspire to use natural, fluent English. Collocations are the key to fluent English. Learning words on their own may enable students to communicate, but to sound natural, students must learn which words typically go together. Using Collocations helps students to improve the way they use the words they already know. Common English collocations are fi rst presented in simple exercises. Students go on to understand and us...
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