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Manuale scolare - Clasa a 6-a - Limba engleza

Curs pentru limba engleza. Prime Time 2, Teachers Resource Pack CD-ROM, pentru clasa a VI-a
Prime Time is a series of five courses for young adults or adult learners of English at Elementary to Upper-Intermediate level. The series combines active English learning with a variety of lively topics presented in themed modules.Key Features-an integrated approach to the development of all four language skills-stimulating, realistic dialogues featuring people in everyday situations-vocabulary presentation and practice-variety of reading and listening tasks-clear presentation and practice of g...
PRP: 25,00 Lei  21,25 LeiAdauga in cos
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Manual de limba engleza pentru, clasa a VI-a - Limba moderna 1
Limba moderna 1 engleza clasa a VI-a - adaptare dupa varianta internationala a manualului Right On 2.
PRP: 40,00 Lei  37,60 LeiAdauga in cos
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Manual de limba engleza pentru, clasa a VI-a - Limba moderna 2
Manualul scolar a fost aprobat prin Ordinul Ministrului Educatiei Nationale nr. 4500/18. 07. 2019, in urma evaluarii, si este realizat in conformitate cu Programa Scolara aprobata prin OM nr. 3393 din 28. 02. 2017Manualul este compus din varianta tiparita si varianta digitala. Manualul digital contine toate lectiile din manualul tiparit avand in plus activitati interactive, statice si animate. Manualul este distribuit elevilor, atat in format tiparit, cat si in format digital si este transmisibi...
PRP: 40,00 Lei  38,00 LeiAdauga in cos
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Curs pentru limba engleza. Prime Time 2, students CDs (2 CD)
Prime Time is a series of five course for young adult or adult learners of English at elementary to upper-intermediate level. The series combines active English learners with a variety of lively topics presented in themed modules.Key Features An integrated approach to the development of all four languafe skills Stimulating, realistic dialogues featuring people in everyday situations Vocabulary presentation and practice Variety of reading and listening tasks Clear presentation and practice of gra...
PRP: 44,00 Lei  37,40 LeiAdauga in cos
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Limba moderna 1 - intensiv engleza. Manual de limba engleza pentru, clasa a VI-a
PRP: 45,00 Lei  42,30 LeiAdauga in cos
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Curs pentru limba engleza. Prime time 2 - ieBook
Does not require interne access during use requires internet access for activation only.The ieBook is your personal electronic English study partener that helps you white the majority of your homework. It helps you withspelling, vocabulary, and reading exercises and it makes revision and self-evaluation fun. By using the ieBook, you can learn English in a fun and inviting way through the use of interactive games, videos and stories.Minimum System requirements :- Windows XP / Vista / 7 Operating ...
PRP: 55,00 Lei  46,75 LeiAdauga in cos
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Curs pentru limba engleza. Prime Time 2, class CDs (4 CD)
The CDs contain all the listening texts for Prime Time 2 Student's Book.
PRP: 79,00 Lei  67,15 LeiAdauga in cos
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Prime time 2, students book with ieBook, manual pentru clasa a VI-a
ieBook: Does not require interne access during use requires internet access for activation only.The ieBook is your personal electronic English study partener that helps you white the majority of your homework. It helps you withspelling, vocabulary, and reading exercises and it makes revision and self-evaluation fun. By using the ieBook, you can learn English in a fun and inviting way through the use of interactive games, videos and stories.Minimum System requirements :- Windows XP / Vista / 7 Op...
PRP: 90,00 Lei  76,50 LeiAdauga in cos
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