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Carti in categoria Astrologie

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Jurnal by Suada Agachi
„Jurnal by Suada Agachi” este un caiet special conceput pentru persoanele care doresc sa isi scrie informatiile, gandurile, planurile, visele sau povestea vietii lor intr-un caiet frumos si elegant cu design oriental, regal si incarcat cu simboluri special gandite de catre mine. Mereu mi-am dorit un loc special pentru toate cuvintele, gandurile si informatiile pe care le-am acumulat. Un loc elegant, regal si plin de simbolistica. Tocmai de aceea am conceput un jurnal special pentr...
PRP: 170,00 Lei  164,90 LeiAdauga in cos
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Face reading techniques
FACE READING TECHNIQUES The art of face reading dates back millennia and has been kept and passed down with dignity and honor by the masters of physiognomy, to be used wisely by those who wish to get to know human nature. The human face mirrors both our reactions and the type of relations that the person is willing to experiment with throughout his life. Benefiting of the progress of modern science and the increasingly finer accuracy of identifying and interpreting the fac...
PRP: 330,00 Lei  320,10 LeiAdauga in cos
In Stoc