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Carti in categoria Religie

Scrieri inedite
ISBN: 9786069326565Nr pagini: 496Format: 21x29 cmAnul aparitiei: 2019


PRP: 155,00 Lei  147,25 LeiAdauga in cos
Living Words - Father Arsenie Boca
Father Arsenie Boca (1910-1989) was a great monastic and charsmatic orthodox personality of Romania. After he gradueted the "Avram Iancu Hight" School in Brad (Hunedoara), he attended the Academy of Theology in Sibiu and the Belle Arte Institute in Bucharest. At the same time, he attended medical courses at the University of Medicine in Bucharest. After four months spent in Mount Athos in Greece, he entered the monastic life at Brancoveanu Monastery in Sambata de Sus (Brasov), where he served as...


PRP: 200,00 Lei  190,00 LeiAdauga in cos
Biserica de la Draganescu, "Capela Sixtina" a ortodoxiei romanesti
Aceasta sfanta Biserica cu hramul Sf. Nicolae din satul Draganescu, s-a zidit din temelie in anul 1870, de catre Petru Danescu si Ion Dumitrescu, Biserica veche de lemn fiind luata de apele Argesului cu cimitir cu tot la o revarsare in 1866 cand a fost construit si podul peste noul curs al raului. S-a restaurat din temelie prin subzidire, inaltarea zidului exterior, construirea boltii din pronaos si arhitectura acoperisului cu cele trei turle, toate din nou, prin osardia si grija preotului Savia...


Path to the Kingdom -  Traducerea in limba engleza a cartii Cararea Imparatiei
A good enough reason to read this book lies in the book itself. Path to the Kingdom was written in times of severe Communist oppression in Romania, by a charismatic monk, Father Arsenie Boca, submitted to permanent harassment of the Communist Secret Service. is book is beyond the borders of science. It conferred the strength to Romanian nation to cross the red desert, inviting the Christians and Atheists to follow a family life. Path to the Kingdom is a gift of the Romanian nation to the whole w...