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Carti in categoria Filologie

Buzarna-Tihenea(Galbeaza), Alina
Tip afisare:
Chemistry English in Context. Course Book II
Chemistry English in Context. Course Book IIis the second volume of a course material designed for first - and second year chemistry students who have an intermediate or upper-intermediate level of knowledge of English. The book comes as tle logical sequel of the first volume, adding more topics nad more grammatical complexity. It can also be used independently, by professionals in the chemical field who use English in their research and work....


PRP: 32,00 Lei  26,88 LeiAdauga in cos
Chemistry English in Context. Course Book
Chemistry English in Context. Course Bookis the result of research undertaken by Assistant Professor Alina Gălbează (Buzarna-Tihenea) as part of the program of the Department of Modern Languages for Specific Purposes within the Faculty of Letters, “Ovidius” University of Constanta. It materializes the author’s interest in updating the English teaching approach, in accordance with the developments of the chemical industry and of the university curricula.The importance of being...


PRP: 17,00 Lei  14,28 LeiAdauga in cos