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Carti in categoria Filologie

Reprezentare identitara feminina in cultura romana. Editia a II-a, revizuita
Lucrarea de fata retine atentia si se remarca, inca din primele pagini, printr-un plan ideatic vast si coerent, care acopera o problematica ce se dovedeste a fi actuala, avand consecinte concrete asupra perceperii societatii romanesti. Acest fapt justifica si motiveaza temeinic necesitatea si utilitatea dezvoltarii temei, astfel incat atat teoreticienii, cat si decidentii domeniului sa poata beneficia, in egala masura, de o substantiala sursa de informare, dar si de sugestii practice in ceea ce ...
PRP: 30,00 Lei  24,00 LeiAdauga in cos
Rondeles candorosos. Vocabulario con rima y ritmo. Cuaderno de ejercicios
Este libro surge del convencimiento de que un poema, una forma literaria libre que engloba efectos polisémicos, es un motor desencadenante no sólo de sensaciones, impresiones y experiencias, sino también de descubrimientos y revelaciones lingüísticas: fórmulas métricas (acento, ritmo, rima, tonalidad), coordinación morfo-sintáctica, construcciones léxicas (palabras, expresiones, giros), combinaciones y reflexiones semánti...
PRP: 24,00 Lei  19,20 LeiAdauga in cos
Influente ale limbilor africane asupra francezei din Africa. Aspecte sociolingvistice si lexicale
Lucrarea de fata are ca subiect un tip particular de contact lingvistic, acela rezultat in urma colonizarii statelor africane de puterile imperiale europene. Cum era si firesc, limba colonizatoare, franceza, s-a impus la toate nivelurile in teritoriile ocupate, influentand fondul lexical al limbilor locale cu care a venit in contact. La randul sau, franceza s-a imbogatit lexical prin preluarea de denumiri ale realitatilor locale. In cele ce urmeaza ne propunem sa studiem influenta limbilor afric...
PRP: 32,00 Lei  25,60 LeiAdauga in cos
Exposure to the pragmatic marker ‘like’ in US vlogs and its pedagogical implications on L3 English learners
This paper aims to identify the influence of American English in the type of informal exposure that third language English users might have and how this may be used as a pedagogical tool; more specifically, it aims to observe the impact of the use of ‘like’ by American vloggers on young learners of English as a third language. The study investigates the way third language users of English come into contact with non-standard colloquial forms through less structured exposure and the wa...
PRP: 15,00 Lei  12,00 LeiAdauga in cos
Repere in literatura hispano-americana a boomului
Repere in literatura hispano-americana a boomului propune o incursiune intr-o lume literara fascinanta, captivanta prin multiplicitatea eclerajelor si individualitatilor scriitorilor, dar si unitara: Hispanoamerica din perioada boom-ului. Cartea aduce inaintea cititorilor autori precum Márquez, Llosa, Fuentes, Asturias, care nu sunt priviti din perspectiva istoriei literare, ci din perspectiva criticii tematice, mitocriticii, sociocriticii. Opere notorii ale acestora sunt interpretate cu ...
PRP: 30,00 Lei  24,00 LeiAdauga in cos
Despre proprietate. Categorii sociale periferice.
Toponimia a fost considerata, in faza sa de pionierat, „un fel de haina care imbraca fidel trupul unui peisaj”, o „descriere condensata” a unei regiuni (exprimare care poate parea, din perspectiva teoriilor si a limbajului actual, simplista). Insa, „vesmantul” aceasta a fost „cusut” cu deosebita migala de-a lungul a catorva secole, prin imbinarea unitatilor lexicale proprii domeniului, cele care reflecta, de altfel, cu acuratete, configuratia geogr...
PRP: 38,00 Lei  30,40 LeiAdauga in cos
Post-Cold-War Japanese Animation. Five Directors and Their Visions
The five directors of animation works included in this volume – Kon Satoshi, Hosoda Mamoru, Miyazaki Gorô, Yonebayashi Hiromasa, Shinkai Makoto – belong to the so-called shinjinrui ("new human breed") generation, the commonly accepted Japanese correspondence to the Western X generation. Born into relative affluence and unfamiliar with the hardships their parents (the baby-boomers) had experienced, they came of age mostly after the end of the Cold War, and can be divided roughly...
PRP: 35,00 Lei  28,00 LeiAdauga in cos
The use of metaphor in the political and economic fields
Is metaphor just a matter of poetics and style? Cognitive Linguistics claims that we “live by metaphors”1, that metaphorical, and, closely related, metonymic processes are amajor device of human conceptualisation. Largely unnoticed, these processes are pervasively and systematically at work in everyday language: clocks have hands, amarriage may be dead, in as time goes by and Christmas is coming, TIME is viewed as an OBJECT which moves through space, in the baby arrived, I went throu...
PRP: 47,00 Lei  37,60 LeiAdauga in cos
Takahata Isao
Takahata Isao (1935-2018) was the co-founder of Studio Ghibli, the world-famous Japanese animation enterprise since 1985. Together with Miyazaki Hayao (born 1942), Takahata Isao uniquely impacted the world of animation – Japanese and beyond –, both aesthetically and ideologically. On the pursuit of what he called “l’invention du réel dans l’animation” (“the invention of the real in animation”), Takahata Isao sought to establish the ability o...
PRP: 33,00 Lei  26,40 LeiAdauga in cos
Kipling’s Vision of India and the Problem of Split Consciousness
“When it comes to the first Nobel prize winner in English literature, everyone remembers The Jungle Books and Mowgli, but few see the multiple and complex meanings of the two concepts combined in the title, the book and the jungle, civilization and savagery, the civilizer and the civilized, the Self and the Other, We and They, the English and the Indians; we can therefore have the impression that this is the point from where Nicoleta Marcu (Medrea) started her bold exploration of topics an...
PRP: 36,00 Lei  28,80 LeiAdauga in cos
Sapiens si derivatii sai in scrierile ciceroniene
Lucrarea de fata propune un demers lingvistic specific semanticii lexicale in cadrul caruia sunt analizati termenii sapio, sapiens, sapientia, sapienter in scrierile ciceroniene, relevand atat structura lor polisemica, cat si relatiile de sens cu alte cuvinte. Avand in vedere sfera semantica a unitatilor lexicale studiate, cercetarea lingvistica valorifica elemente de filosofie, literatura si istorie a mentalitatilor pentru a preciza semnificatiile termenilor. Cei interesati de subiect vor des...
PRP: 27,00 Lei  21,60 LeiAdauga in cos
Gender and Consumerism in Julian Barnes England, England and A History of the World in 10 and 1/2 Chapters
Gender and Consumerism in Julian Barnes England, England and A History of the World in 10 and 1/2 ChaptersISBN: 9786062612085Nr pagini: 102Anul aparitiei: Iunie 2020
PRP: 15,00 Lei  12,00 LeiAdauga in cos
Antropologia cuvantului - Violeta Negrea
La inceput a fost cuvantul… si cuvantul s-a intrupat...Trecerea noastra zilnica la conditia de Om se face prin ”maruntisul” cuvantului care faciliteaza accesul la cunoasterea si intelegerea fiecarei farame de informatie scrisa, prin dialogul cu altii si cu noi insine .... Daca azi omenirea experimenteaza calatoria in universul planetar si in microcosmosul propriului trup, daca tehnologiile moderne au depasit pragul imaginarului si al asteptarilor, este pentru ca legile care gu...
PRP: 35,00 Lei  28,00 LeiAdauga in cos