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Carti in categoria Childrens fiction books

Curtis, Vanessa
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The Earth is Singing
My name is Hanna. I am 15. I am Latvian. I live with my mother and grandmother. My father is missing, taken by the Russians. I have a boyfriend and I’m training to be a dancer. But none of that is important any more. Because the Nazis have arrived, and I am a Jew. And as far as they are concerned, that is all that matters. This is my story. Closely based on the true story of the Jews of Riga, The Earth is Singing is a tale of love and loss, betrayal and survival. Age 14 Key Stage KS4 E B...


41,94 LeiAdauga in cos
The Earth is Singing
My name is Hanna. I am 15. I am Latvian. I live with my mother and grandmother. My father is missing, taken by the Russians. I have a boyfriend and I’m training to be a dancer. But none of that is important any more. Because the Nazis have arrived, and I am a Jew. And as far as they are concerned, that is all that matters. This is my story. Closely based on the true story of the Jews of Riga, The Earth is Singing is a tale of love and loss, betrayal and survival. Age 14 Key Stage KS4 E BIC...


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The Stolen Ones
My name is Inge. I am sixteen. I live in Munich. Food is rationed, though the war ended years ago. My boyfriend is Jewish. My parents would not approve, so I hide this from them. I think they are hiding something from me, too. Letters arrive on my birthday, but they are not addressed to me. They are for a girl named Kasia. This is her story. Age 14 BIC CBMC E3N79 Paperback ISBN: 9781474915038 Extent: 352 pages Dimensions: 198 x 130mm...


The Stolen Ones
My name is Inge. I am sixteen. I live in Munich. Food is rationed, though the war ended years ago. My boyfriend is Jewish. My parents would not approve, so I hide this from them. I think they are hiding something from me, too. Letters arrive on my birthday, but they are not addressed to me. They are for a girl named Kasia. This is her story. Age 14 BIC CBMC E3N79 Paperback ISBN: 9781474915038 Extent: 352 pages Dimensions: 198 x 130mm...