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Carti in categoria English language

Literatura adaptata pentru copii. The Canterville Ghost. Book Teacher (Audio CD + DVD + Cross-platform Application)
The Canterville ghost has been haunting Canterville Chase for 300 years, scaring everyone who dares to live or work there. This all changes though, when a family of bold and brash Americans comes to live in his ancestral home. Instead of being scared by the ghost, they start playing tricks on him! The Express Publishing Showtime Readers is a brand new series of books at four levels, which introduce students to classic children´s stories in English, using a unique approach with special emp...
PRP: 65,00 Lei  61,75 LeiAdauga in cos
Pygmalion. Pachetul profesorului cu audio CD
Life changes dramatically for Eliza Doolittle, a modern Cinderella who is being transformed from a common flower girl into a lady. Her lessons with Professor Higgins prove valuable for both of them in different ways. But who is to learn their lesson better? Who is to find out that proper pronunciation cannot make up for improper manners?
PRP: 65,00 Lei  61,75 LeiAdauga in cos
Literatura adaptata pentru copii. Peter Pan. Manualu profesorului (Cross-platform Application si Multi-Rom)
Wendy Darling lives with her parents and two younger brothers in London. One night she has an unexpected visitor, Peter Pan the boy who refuses to grow up, along with his Fairy Tinkerbell. Peter Pan takes the kids to the magical world of Neverland where they meet The Lost Boys and face Captain Cook, a terrible pirate who's after Peter Pan. Who will be the winner? The Express Publishing Showtime Readers is a brand new series of books at four levels, which introduce students to classic children&a...
PRP: 65,00 Lei  61,75 LeiAdauga in cos
Hamlet Teachers Book with audio CD
Prince Hamlet´s father is dead, and, to make matters worse, his Uncle Claudius has taken the throne and married his recently widowed mother. His father´s ghost reveals that his death was not an accident and demands that the young prince takes revenge on those responsible. What will Hamlet do, and how will this affect the lives of those around him, especially his beloved Ophelia? The Express Publishing Showtime Readers is a brand new series of books at four levels, which introduce st...
PRP: 65,00 Lei  61,75 LeiAdauga in cos
Literatura adaptata pentru copii. The lion and the mouse. Manualul profesorului cudigibook App


The well-known story which shows how help can sometimes come from unexpected sources. Storytime Readers is a series of storybooks especially designed to provide easy and enjoyable reading practice. They have been carefully graded into three stages and have been written in a way that will help teachers to use them as plays, thus providing an early introduction to drama as a means of learning. Storytime Readers tell tales of friendship, trust, family, loyalty, kindness and love using colorful il...
PRP: 58,00 Lei  55,10 LeiAdauga in cos
Cinderella Teacher Pack, Book and Multi Rom
Will a wicked stepmother and her daughters get their way? Or will Cinderella´s glass slipper lead her handsome prince to her at last?An aparitie: 2010
PRP: 56,00 Lei  53,20 LeiAdauga in cos
The Stone Flower Teachers Book with multi ROM
Prokopych, a stone carver, takes in an orphan named Danila. With Prokopych´s help, Danila develops into a very skilled stone carver. Danila hears the story of the Stone Flower, which belongs to the Mistress of Copper Mountain and begins to think about the Stone Flower all the time. On the day before Danila´s wedding to Katya, Danila goes to Serpent Hill in search of the Stone Flower and meets the Mistress of Copper Mountain. Danila begs her to show him the Stone Flower, so she takes ...
PRP: 51,00 Lei  48,45 LeiAdauga in cos
Hansel and Gretel Teachers Book with Multi Rom
How will brother and sister, Hansel and Gretel, find their way out of the dark forest and back to their father?An aparitie: 2010
PRP: 48,00 Lei  45,60 LeiAdauga in cos
Literatura adaptata pentru copii. The Toy Soldier Story Book with Multi Rom
The Toy Soldier is having a wonderful time in the children´s nursery... until one day William leaves him on the windowsill. Things take a turn for the worse, but his adventures lead him back to his toyfriends.
PRP: 47,00 Lei  44,65 LeiAdauga in cos
Literatura adaptata pentru copii. The Town Mouse and The Country Mouse Story Book with Multi Rom
The smart Town Mouse comes to visit the poor shabby Country Mouse. Will he like what he finds in the country?
PRP: 47,00 Lei  44,65 LeiAdauga in cos
The Stone Flower Book with multi ROM
Prokopych, a stone carver, takes in an orphan named Danila. With Prokopych´s help, Danila develops into a very skilled stone carver. Danila hears the story of the Stone Flower, which belongs to the Mistress of Copper Mountain and begins to think about the Stone Flower all the time. On the day before Danila´s wedding to Katya, Danila goes to Serpent Hill in search of the Stone Flower and meets the Mistress of Copper Mountain. Danila begs her to show him the Stone Flower, so she takes ...
PRP: 47,00 Lei  44,65 LeiAdauga in cos
Literatura adaptata pentru copii. The Little Red Hen Story Book with Multi Rom
Down on the farm, the Little Red Hen finds a grain of wheat. She decides to make some bread, but she needs some help. Will the other animals help her? This classic children´s story, fully dramatised and beautifully illustrated, will charm and delight all young learners of English.
PRP: 47,00 Lei  44,65 LeiAdauga in cos
Literatura adaptata pentru copii. The Giant Turnip Story Book with Multi Rom
A farmer plants a turnip seed. But the turnip grows so big that he can´t pull it out of the ground on his own. He needs help. Who will help him? Will they manage to pull it out?
PRP: 47,00 Lei  44,65 LeiAdauga in cos
The Fisherman and the Fish Book with Audio CDs and DVD Video
A kind old fisherman lives with his wife in a small house. The fisherman works hard, but he is very poor. One day he catches a small golden fish. When the fisherman lets the fish go, his wife is very angry. She wants the golden fish to make her rich. Will the golden fish grant her wish?
PRP: 47,00 Lei  44,65 LeiAdauga in cos
Sivka Burka Book with Audio CDs and DVD Video
Ivanushka lives with his father and two brothers on a farm. One day the farmer´s wheat field is trampled, so he sends his sons to find out what has caused it. That night, Ivanushka catches Sivka-Burka, a beautiful magical horse. Ivanushka´s life is about to change forever.
PRP: 47,00 Lei  44,65 LeiAdauga in cos
Moby Dick Book with Multi Rom and Cross platform Application
Young Ishmael sets out on the whaling ship "Pequod" hoping to free himself from his earthly anger and sorrow. But the mad Captain Ahab, who hunts for the whale that tore off his leg, heads the great ship into dangerous waters. Will the "Pequod" return safely? Or will Ahab´s obsession with his mortal enemy end in death? Herman Melvilles´s fearsome adventure is the great American novel.
PRP: 47,00 Lei  44,65 LeiAdauga in cos
Literatura adaptata pentru copii. Jack and the Beanstalk Story Book with Multi Rom
"You silly young boy! Do you think this is funny? We do not need these beans. We just need some money!", Jack´s mother says. But the next day there´s a big surprise for both of them, when a big beanstalk is in their garden...
PRP: 47,00 Lei  44,65 LeiAdauga in cos
Literatura adaptata pentru copii. Goldilocks and the Three Bears Story Book with Multi Rom
"Don´t go in the wood," Goldilocks´ mother says. But Goldilocks thinks it sounds like a good idea! Things start to go wrong, however, when she finds the three bears´ cottage.
PRP: 47,00 Lei  44,65 LeiAdauga in cos
The Father and his Sons Book with Audio CD and DVD Video


This story, set in Ancient Greece, tells of how a father finds a clever way to teach his sons the value of working together instead of fighting with each other.An aparitie: 2010
PRP: 42,00 Lei  39,90 LeiAdauga in cos
Literatura adaptata pentru copii. The Little Red Hen Book with Multi Rom
Down on the farm, the Little Red Hen finds a grain of wheat. She decides to make some bread, but she needs some help. Will the other animals help her? This classic children´s story, fully dramatised and beautifully illustrated, will charm and delight all young learners of English.An aparitie: 2010
PRP: 42,00 Lei  39,90 LeiAdauga in cos