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Carti in categoria Sticker books

History of the world in 100 stickers
From Stone Age cave paintings to computers, find out about the key events in world history through 100 amazing stickers. Discover how great empires rose, famous battles were won, and how artists, inventors, scientists and explorers changed our world again and again. With links to specially selected websites for more information. Age 7 Key Stage KS2 H BIC CBMC C5L79 Paperback ISBN: 9781409564096 Extent: 32 pages 10 pages stickers Dimensions: 276 x 216mmAuthor/Editor Rob Lloyd JonesIllustrator G...


47,94 LeiAdauga in cos
History of the world in 100 stickers
From Stone Age cave paintings to computers, find out about the key events in world history through 100 amazing stickers. Discover how great empires rose, famous battles were won, and how artists, inventors, scientists and explorers changed our world again and again. With links to specially selected websites for more information. Age 7 Key Stage KS2 H BIC CBMC C5L79 Paperback ISBN: 9781409564096 Extent: 32 pages 10 pages stickers Dimensions: 276 x 216mmAuthor/Editor Rob Lloyd JonesIllustrator G...


47,94 LeiAdauga in cos
Shakespeare sticker book
A brilliantly Shakespearean sticker book of scenes from The Globe playhouse, Elizabethan London and plays such as Macbeth and The Tempest, with over 500 amusing stickers to add of Romeo and Juliet, Titania and Bottom, young Shakespeare and more. Snippets of historical information make this a great introduction to Shakespeare’s life and plays. Age 5 Key Stage KS1 E, H BIC CBMC B5L79 Paperback ISBN: 9781409596479 Extent: 24 pages 10 pages stickers Dimensions: 305 x 238mmAuthor/Editor Rob L...


41,94 LeiAdauga in cos