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Carti in categoria Sticker books

Shells sticker book
A beautifully illustrated sticker book with over 100 detailed full-colour stickers. Children can match the stickers to the pictures and simple text descriptions. Perfect for use on a seaside walk, or as an activity book to learn about the world of shells. Includes a numbered checklist with the names of the different varieties shown on the stickers. Age 6 Key Stage KS1/2 S/E Paperback ISBN: 9780746084311 Extent: 24 pages 10 pages stickers Dimensions: 305 x 238mmAuthor/Editor Kirsteen Rogers...


29,94 LeiAdauga in cos
Shells sticker book
A beautifully illustrated sticker book with over 100 detailed full-colour stickers. Children can match the stickers to the pictures and simple text descriptions. Perfect for use on a seaside walk, or as an activity book to learn about the world of shells. Includes a numbered checklist with the names of the different varieties shown on the stickers. Age 6 Key Stage KS1/2 S/E Paperback ISBN: 9780746084311 Extent: 24 pages 10 pages stickers Dimensions: 305 x 238mmAuthor/Editor Kirsteen Rogers...


29,94 LeiAdauga in cos