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Incredible English, Level 6 Teachers Book - ***


-2.16 Lei
Incredible English, Level 6 Teachers Book

Incredible English, Level 6 Teachers Book
[Avizat MEN 2018]

Apreciere: 3.5/7 (6 voturi)
Autor: ***
PRP:72,00 LeiAcesta este pretul recomandat de producator/ pretul de coperta. Pretul de vanzare este afisat mai jos
69,84 Lei
Diferența: 2.16 Lei

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Descriere - Incredible English, Level 6 Teachers Book

Incredible English, Level 6 Teacher's Book , OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS.

A six-level course that gives children more vocabulary, more reading, and more lessons than other primary courses. Your pupils will definitely learn more!

Who is it for?
For schools with 4 hours of teaching per week, or with 3 hours per week looking for a more demanding course.

Key features
* Written by top primary authors, including Sarah Phillips, an expert on how children learn.
* A CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) section in every unit teaches students other subjects through English.
* CLIL posters in levels 3-6 extend the topics of the units.
* Substantial resource pack includes Norton the puppet, flashcards, photocopiable masters, and story frames book.
* The unique Fixit Game Poster lets children see what they're learning in an engaging, visual way.
* Cartoon stories written by the award-winning children's author Michaela Morgan.

Description: Level: Beginner A2
Author: Phillips, S et al
Ages: 6 and over

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