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Carti in categoria Motivational

Bebera, Lior
Tip afisare:
Life is not a picnic (Hardcover)
Success is oftentimes the result of hard work, of turning challenges into opportunities, of working against all odds, of believing in yourself and of never letting anyone tell you otherwise.Furthermore, success does not come easily, as there is always a price to pay for it, and you need courage to do that. As Fortune does favour the bold.This is exactly what this book is about: the ups and downs, the struggles, the certainties and fears, the faith and doubts, all presented in the most humane and...


PRP: 115,50 Lei  103,95 LeiAdauga in cos
In Stoc
Viata nu este un picnic (Hardcover)
Succesul este de cele mai multe ori rezultatul muncii asidue, al transformarii provocarilor in oportunitati, al increderii in tine insuti, dar si al incapatanarii de a face ce ai de facut in ciuda tuturor divergentelor si a tuturor celor care incearca sa te convinga sa renunti. Mai mult, succesul nu vine usor si are pretul sau; ai nevoie de curaj sa platesti acest pret, pentru ca norocul este intotdeauna de partea celor curajosi.Acesta este exact subiectul cartii: urcusurile si coborasurile, lup...


PRP: 84,00 Lei  75,60 LeiAdauga in cos
In Stoc
Life is not a picnic
Success is oftentimes the result of hard work, of turning challenges into opportunities, of working against all odds, of believing in yourself and of never letting anyone tell you otherwise.Furthermore, success does not come easily, as there is always a price to pay for it, and you need courage to do that. As Fortune does favour the bold.This is exactly what this book is about: the ups and downs, the struggles, the certainties and fears, the faith and doubts, all presented in the most humane and...


PRP: 75,60 Lei  68,04 LeiAdauga in cos
In Stoc
Viata nu este un picnic
Succesul este de cele mai multe ori rezultatul muncii asidue, al transformarii provocarilor in oportunitati, al increderii in tine insuti, dar si al incapatanarii de a face ce ai de facut in ciuda tuturor divergentelor si a tuturor celor care incearca sa te convinga sa renunti. Mai mult, succesul nu vine usor si are pretul sau; ai nevoie de curaj sa platesti acest pret, pentru ca norocul este intotdeauna de partea celor curajosi.Acesta este exact subiectul cartii: urcusurile si coborasurile, lup...


PRP: 63,00 Lei  56,70 LeiAdauga in cos
In Stoc